Revue Wachma N°7‏ (Tétouan)

Revue Wachma N°7‏ (Tétouan)
Author: Nourddine BENDRISS
Publisher: Les Amis du Cinéma de Tétouan
Language: French, Spanish, Arabic
Size: 23.5 x 16
Weight: 530 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9782899990488
Availability: In stock
Price: €16.00
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Product Description

The Documentary: Issues, Issues and Challenges.

A cinematographic magazine published by The Association of Friends of Cinema of Tetouan focused in the reading and analysis of the latest Mediterranean cinematographic productions. This latest issue, of 210 pages (in French and Arabic), is devoted to the documentary film Le Documentaire: issues, issues and challenges. It attempts to answer several questions that critics, professionals and any reader who is interested in this cinematographic genre, which is currently booming in Mediterranean countries, may ask themselves.

Participated in these critical and academic issues belonging to countries on both shores of the Mediterranean (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Egypt, France, Spain, Italy, and, exceptionally, Côte d'Ivoire) and which addressed the subject from different angles and offered in-depth readings and analyzes that shed light on the importance of the genre and the growing interest it arouses among professionals and spectators.

The headings of the summary are distributed as follows:

– What is a documentary film?

– Documentary and narrative film: borders or porosity?

– Fictional lie and documentary truth

– The documentary in all its states

– Cinema lesson