Renée Green - Pacing
Author: Dan Byers (Ed..)
Publisher: Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard University
Pages: 300
1.5000 kg
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9781735230504
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Product Description
Renée Green: Pacing
Foreword by Dan Byers. Text by Renée Green, Nicholas Korody, Fred Moten, Nora M. Alter, Mason Leaver-Yap, William S. Smith, Yvonne Rainer, Gloria Sutton.
Renée Green: Pacing
Legacies of modernism reappraised and reconstructed in an epic project by Renée Green
American artist Renée Green (born 1959) spent two years engaged with the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts at Harvard University, during which she presented a series of interlinked public programs and exhibitions, culminated with her major exhibition Within Living Memory (2018). Green’s Carpenter project, Pacing, is a meditation spurred by inhabiting an architectural icon—Le Corbusier’s Carpenter Center—while exploring the historical and institutional legacies of modernism’s other forms, including cinema, visual art, poetry, music and literature.
This handsome publication illuminates Green’s unfolding process, with a sequence of exhibitions that took place from 2015 and culminating in Pacing: Facing in Toronto; Tracing in Como, Italy; Placing in Berlin; Spacing in Lisbon; and Begin Again, Begin Again in Los Angeles. The result is a meditation on creative processes across histories and media, partially inspired by two architectural icons: Rudolf M. Schindler and Le Corbusier. Despite grand ambitions, Le Corbusier was only able to realize two buildings in the Americas, the Carpenter Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Casa Curuchet, in La Plata, Argentina. In Pacing, dreams, projections and geographically distant buildings are put into dialogue through time, weaving a layered constellation of unexpected relations.
Lavishly illustrated, Renée Green: Pacing features new texts by Gloria Sutton and Fred Moten, and brings together a series of previously unpublished conversations between the artist and Yvonne Rainer, Nora M. Alter and Mason Leaver-Yap. Additional contributions are provided by Nicholas Korody, William S. Smith and Carpenter Center director Dan Byers.