Hamlet, mise-en-scène

Hamlet, mise-en-scène
Author: Sophie von Olfers, Mark von Schlegell (Eds.)
Publisher: Sternberg Press
Language: English
Pages: 288
Size: 21.6 x 27.9 cm
Weight: 570 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9783956790676
Availability: In stock
Price: €20.00
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Hamlet, mise-en-scène
EXTRA TROUBLE—Jack Smith in Frankfurt

Texts by Sylvère Lotringer, Birte Löschenkohl, Sophie von Olfers, Laura Preston, Juliane Rebentisch, Mark von Schlegell, et al.

The publication brings together extensive material from Hamlet, mise-en-scène presented at Portikus, along with recently restored as well as never-published stills, drawings, and writings by American filmmaker and artist Jack Smith, related to his film Hamlet in the Rented World (A Fragment) (1970–73).

Hamlet, mise-en-scène, directed by Mark von Schlegell, was an adaptation that retold Shakespeare’s most abused tragedy while channeling the ghost of Jack Smith. The two-night rendition of Hamlet was performed by members of Städelschule’s Pure Fiction seminar, presented here alongside a rare selection of works by Smith, both from private collections and from the Jack Smith Archive.