Painting Rituals

Painting Rituals
Author: Lindsey Bull, Jill Mulleady, Maria Thurn und Taxis
Publisher: Shelter Press
Pages: 48
Size: 16.5 x 23 cm
Weight: 260 g
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9782365820028
Availability: In stock
Price: €20.00
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Product Description

Artists never stop exploring the approach they take towards their art. The mind state, the intention of thought that is present when creating a work of art is something that is continually revised and reaffirmed. From the subconscious dotting of Jill Mulleady’s colourful abstractionism, to the unexpected obscuring dabs placed on the faces of Lindsey Bull’s cabalistic subjects, to Maria Thurn und Taxis’s, the three artists employ different ways of enacting the ritual of painting.