Black Mirrors

Black Mirrors
Author: Julien Langendorff
Publisher: Shelter Press
Language: English, French
Pages: 64
Size: 16,5 x 23 cm
Weight: 294 g
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9782365820011
Availability: In stock

Regular Price: €25.00

Special Price: €12.50

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Product Description

Black Mirrors is the first monography dedicated to Julien Langendorff’s works.

His work combines collage, pen and ink drawings and paper cut-outs of 1970’s erotic imagery and often conjures up dark, dream-like visions influenced by gothic and hippie cultures, Black Sabbath, spiritism and diary-art. Langendorff’s work is both minimal and psychedelic with a free, stream of conscious sensibility. Included in the show are three collaborative pieces with artist and band-mate, Jason Glasser. The title of the series ‘Goddess Fuzz Fantasy’ originated from a line of one of Langendorff’s poems.

Published in conjunction with his solo show at Agnès B New York, the book includes texts by Agnes B, Sinziana Ravini, Peter Sutherland.