Poëtische machine

Poëtische machine
Author: Jerry Galle
Publisher: MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Language: Dutch
Pages: 288
Size: 24,5 x 16,5 cm
Weight: 580 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 978-94-906-9336-7
Availability: In stock
Price: €29.00
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Product Description

Het boek de ‘Poëtische Machine’ handelt over Jerry Galles artistieke praktijk en meer bepaald de ontregeling van (digitale) media zoals films, foto’s en elektronica door twijfelprocessen. Naast elektronische toepassingen zoals kubusrobots (de ‘Poëtische Machine’), digitale films en zelfgeschreven software speelt het tekenen een rol binnen Jerry Galles praktijk. Deze tekeningen zijn reflecties op de thematiek van digitale twijfel binnen elektronische omgevingen. De tekst beschrijft deze thematiek vanuit psychologisch, kunsthistorisch, patafysisch, denkbeeldig, maar vooral, individueel perspectief. Een poëtische-machinetekst is bovendien opgenomen die het originele manuscript omgevormd heeft door middel van taalalgoritmes. De poëtische-machinetekst wordt gezien als co-auteur en stelt de lezer in staat het manuscript vanuit machineperspectief te ervaren, hoewel de machineteksten uitvoerig aangepast zijn door de auteur.

The book is about Jerry Galles artistic practice and in particular the disruption of (digital) media such as movies, pictures and electronics by doubt processes. In addition to electronic applications such as robots, cubic robots (the 'Poetic Machine'), digital movies and self-written software, drawings play a role in Jerry Galles practice. These drawings are reflections on the theme of digital doubt in electronic environments. The text describes the issue of digital doubt from a psychological, historical, pataphysical, imaginary, but above all individual perspective. A machine-text written by the 'Poetic Machine' is also included that transformed the original manuscript using language algorithms. The 'Poetic Machine'-text is regarded as being co-author and enables the reader to perceive the text from machine perspective. Although the machine-texts have been considerably altered by the author.
The artistic projects and methods described in this book arose from the need to poetically abuse the logical computer within an artistic work process. The need for this improper use of digital technology is rooted in a love-hate relationship to technology. The basis of this ambivalent attitude to digital technology is its both crippling and stimulating effect on artistic creativity. Digital technology is characterized by linear mathematics and logical processes, but also by its liberating and democratizing effects. The title of this book and of the project 'Poetic Machine' therefore encompasses a deliberate contradiction. A machine cannot, by definition, produce 'poetic' artefacts just as a machine cannot create a poem, unless we conceive the processes of imagination themselves as machine operations. It is within this tension of the machine and the poetic imagination in art that exciting opportunities are to be found.