Manifest Nooawangardy + Prix Fernand Baudin Prijs Catalogue

Manifest Nooawangardy + Prix Fernand Baudin Prijs Catalogue
Author: Łukasz Ronduda (Ed.)
Publisher: Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, MAMMAL
Language: Polish
Pages: -
Size: 15.3 x 20.6 cm
Weight: 533 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 978-2-930645-05-6
Price: €20.00
Product Description

Manifest Nooawangardy is one of eleven books awarded the Prix Fernand Baudin Prijs, a prize giving special recognition to those books which demonstrate an outstanding quality both in their conception (editorial and graphic), and in their production (printing and binding). The calaogue for the prize, this year produced in collaboration with designer Manuela Dechamps Otamendi, is distributed together with the prize-winning books for the original price of the publication.

About Manifest Nooawangardy:

"The book 'Noo-Avantgarde Manifesto. Art in an Age of Cognitive Capitalism and Complexity Sciences' features a number of texts analysing the 'Noo-Avantgarde and New Autonomy Manifesto' created together by a group of artists (Agnieszka Kurant, Janek Simon, Oskar Dawicki), scientists (Andrzej Nowak), curators (Łukasz Ronduda), cultural theoreticians (Edwin Bendyk) and architects (Aleksandra Wasilewska) in August 2009 for the exhibition 'Extremely Rare Events / Noo-Avantgarde Distribution at the Centre for Contemporary Art / Ujazdowski Castle.'"

- Kasia Korczak, Graphic Designer