Anthology of American Pop Music (LP)

Anthology of American Pop Music (LP)
Author: G.E.S. (Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples)
Publisher: Faitiche
Language: -
Pages: -
Size: 31.5 x 31.5 cm
Weight: 250 g
Binding: -
Price: €19.99
Product Description

GES: Anthology of American Pop Music
Six great pop standards remembered: five pop songs are dissected by sampler, stretched, compressed, and re-collaged. In this way, their identity is lost. What remains is a vague concreteness: flashes of déjà vu and remote echoes that evoke the original.

GES (Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples)
Active members: Helmut Schmidt, Jan Jelinek
Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Federal Court of Justice, Karlsruhe, Germany