Cabinet #40
Author: Sina Najafi (Ed.)
Publisher: Cabinet Magazine
Language: English
Pages: -
Size: 25 x 20 cm
444 g
Binding: Softcover
Product Description
Issue 40 Hair Winter 2010/11
Table of Contents
Colors / Gold
Michael Bracewell
Pop’s magic suit
Ingestion / Dialectics of the Shmoo
Yara Flores
The Eucharist of utopia
Inventory / Blind Sight
Christopher Turner
The secret signs of the cataract surgeon
Legend / Restraint
Wayne Koestenbaum
Muscular arms, wristwatch, moustache
From Disc to Sphere
Volker M. Welter
Taking on the whole earth
The Cinematic Spasm
Aaron Schuster
Lights, camera, achoo!
How to Make Anything Signify Anything
William H. Sherman
William F. Friedman and birth of modern cryptanalysis
Facing the Unknown
D. Graham Burnett
History, art, loss, recovery
Dairy Cases
Meredith Martin
The milk cure in eighteenth-century France
Tragic Candy, Time
Carol Mavor
Eating Minou Drouet
Artist Projects / Ten
Jane South, Ester Partegàs, Janine Antoni, Rachel Harrison, Francis Cape, Moyra Davey, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Alexandre Singh, Virgil Marti, and Vik Muniz
Pattern Baldness
Justin E. H. Smith
A trichotillomanic impulse
Artist Project / Liquor, Hair
Julia Jacquette
Of Mice and Mania
Laurel Braitman
The trichotillomaniac impulse
A Close Shave with Death
Mats Bigert
The double electrocution of Willie Francis
Blake Gopnik
Aesthetics along the bikini line
Artist Project / The Dreamtime
So Yoon Lym
Cutting Remarks
Mia Farrow’s troublesome haircut
Matters of the Head
Emma Markiewicz
Hair and wigs in eighteenth-century England
On the Directionality of Hair
Spyros Papapetros
Streams on the cosmic body
Barbers and Barbarians
Jorian Polis Schutz
Episodes in the history of Argentine hair
Split Hairs
Christopher Turner
The art of Alfie West
Postcard / Curlers
Bookmark / Learn Your Stripes