What You Crave
Author: Marie-Luise Marchand, Max Eulitz, Hans-Henning Korb, Richard Ess (Eds.)
Publisher: Bauer Verlag
Language: English
Pages: 52
Size: 14 x 21.6
150 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9783946701118
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Product Description
"Its just a small step from Meister Eckhart to the Craver Nation.
Follow the friendly ghost and you´ll find out."
Soaked in by the architecture of White Castle restaurants, Caspar shows us his way through the world of European romanticism to American gothic revival - back to Medieval times and forth. Feel invited to browse through collected texts, both primary and secondary, by Walpole, Hoffmann, Downing, Venturi, Weiss and Eichendorff, on fifty perfect bound pages.