And The Seasons: They Go Round and Round

And The Seasons: They Go Round and Round
Author: Carson Chan, Sara Hartman, John McCusker (Eds.)
Publisher: 0047 Press
Language: English
Pages: 144
Size: 26 x 20 cm
Weight: 475 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 978-82-92960-03-5
Price: €15.00
Product Description

As the final installment to the two exhibitions curated by Carson Chan in the spring of 2010, 0047 is proud to announce the launch of And the Seasons; They Go Round and Round, the catalog to the exhibitions of the same names. Featuring essays by New Yorker writer Nick Paumgarten, artist and writer Patricia Reed, and economist Amin Samman, the catalog seeks to expand the investigation of the overall geometry of our social, aesthetic and economic life that was initiated by the exhibitions. The catalog is designed by young design group Vaguely Contemporary (John McCusker & Sara Hartman).

Published by 0047 (Oslo), 2011.