Peter Nau: Lesen und Sehen. Miniaturen zu Büchern und Filmen
Author: Peter Nau / Volker Pantenburg (Ed.)
Publisher: Harun Farocki Institut & Synema
Language: German
Pages: 152
Size: 14 x 21 cm
218 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9783901644887
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Product Description
Lesen und Sehen (Reading and Watching) is Peter Nau’s fourth book of miniatures. “In reading a book, in watching and listening to films, we become the resonating body and screen for something outside ourselves. What it is about is the magic of regaining our participation in the totality of the world. Every individual who does not want to succumb to prosaic desiccation strives, through this or some other means, to bring himself into a conscious relationship with that which he knows to be stronger than himself.” (From the afterword) The miniatures on books, films, and paintings are framed by two longer walks in which the inner and outer landscapes are superimposed.
Peter Nau, born in Kaiserslautern in 1942, has lived in Berlin since 1969. Book trade, Deutsche Bundespost, magazine Filmkritik, journalism, books, research and teaching, radio. Other books with miniatures: Irgendwo in Berlin. Ostwestlicher Filmdiwan (2013), Unter dem Regenmond. Auf Reisen in Filmen (2015), Wiener Miniaturenbuch (2016).