One + 1. Partial Repetitions & Integral Impermanences
Author: Daniel Eatock
Publisher: Onomatopee
Language: English
Pages: -
Size: -
200 g
Binding: Softcover
Product Description
Eatock has produced a series of works, each of which establishes a particular range of formal, practical or conceptual conceits connecting two otherwise independently existing objects and by staging object-scenarios. The playful combinations of the objects employed, their various juxtapositions and the differing durational nature of their new-found pairings (from static to split-second to perpetual motion), generate a set of immediate yet complex interactions – relationships in form, weight, colour, material, scale, structure, texture, function – through which Eatock attempts to both comprehend and complicate the world around us.
Building upon forms, building upon shapes, building upon symbolism, building upon use-value… in sum, we live through the modern amongst us and act upon its settings, establish relationships of connection, resulting in aggregates – a new holism?
Whilst remaining firmly embedded in his broader, hybrid practice, these sculptural object-scenarios also originally came into being as part of preliminary developmental research for the re-branding of the national television broadcasting network BBC2.
This text is based on the words of David Falkner, director of the Stanley Picker Gallery
Project manager: Freek Lomme
Editors: Daniel Eatock, Sebastian Campos, Marie-Anne McQuay, Freek Lomme
Text: Marie-AnneMcQuay
Graphic design publication: Sebastian Campos
One + 1 by Daniel Eatock
a database of One + 1’s
in images
in words
a text by Marie-Anne McQuay
a poster
Project manager: Freek Lomme
Editors: Daniel Eatock, Sebastian Campos, Marie-Anne McQuay, Freek Lomme
Text: Marie-AnneMcQuay
Graphic design publication: Sebastian Campos
Printed at Lecturis
Daniel Eatock, Sebastian Campos, Marie-Anne McQuay,