Old Bio, in snow

Old Bio, in snow
Author: Bianca Stone
Publisher: Fivehundred Places
Language: English
Weight: 60 g
Binding: Softcover
Availability: In stock
Price: €13.00
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Product Description

To accompany CA’s exhibition "500 places at once".
Supported by one of the most incredible collections of poetry in the world - the Poetry Center Tucson
And MOCA Tucson.

500 Places at Once is an exhibition centering poet CAConrad that features a newly commissioned collection of three-dimensional poem sculptures, along with a reading room with publications from Fivehundred places, a small press established by the artist Jason Dodge.
This is the first of the forthcoming books from 500 places - available soon.

CAConrad has worked with the ancient technologies of poetry and ritual since 1975. They received the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, a PEN Josephine Miles Award, a Creative Capital grant, a Pew Fellowship, and a Lambda Award. They exhibit poems as art objects with recent solo shows in Tucson, Arizona, as well as in Spain and Portugal. They teach at the Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam.