Negative Space: Orbiting Inner and Outer Experience (no.2)
Author: Antonia Hirsch
Publisher: SFU Galleries
Language: english
Pages: 204
Size: 20 x 12 cm
228 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 978098685814
Product Description
Antonia Hirsch (ed.) in conversations with and reproduced texts by Theodor Adorno, Lorna Brown, Daniel Colucciello Barber, Elena Filipovic, François Laruelle, Olaf Nicolai, Lisa Robertson, Ana Teixeira Pinto, and Wolfgang Winkler.
Expanding from the exhibition Negative Space, this lateral publication of seven conversations and reprinted texts is a project in its own right to consider the space between and around subjects and objects.
Antonia Hirsch’s practice testifies to a long-standing engagement with the quantitative, spatial and syntactic systems that structure an understanding of our universe. The opposite of chaos, cosmos can be defined as a complex and organized system: the ordered universe. Hirsch’s work often relates these ordering structures to embodied and visual experience, considering how the equivocal and often ideological nature of these representational systems is expressed through a level of abstraction.