My Home is your Home
Author: -
Publisher: Balin House Project & Public Works
Language: English
Pages: 126
Size: 19 x 26
368 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9781906318055
Product Description
‘My home is your home’ is a collaborative project between public works and Balin house projects (at 22 Balin House - Tabard Garden Estate),within a trans-dicisplinary context of art, architecture, history and geography.
The project started in 2013 and explores the public role of the home through the intimate act of hosting, the home as a place of cultural production and dissemination and the home owner as an active citizen. Public works worked as architects to re-design and deliver the home as a public facing platform and as curators in programming the space thereafter.
The events, workshops and emerging critical discussion have come together as a book 'My Home is Your Home' published in 2016. with current policies towards the destruction of social housing, this book asks the question: Can a home negotiate the intimacy of domestic life yet be a civic/cultural asset where the home owner becomes an active agent?