broadsheet # 06 - Cement Block
Author: Carl Haase
Publisher: Carl Haase & Charles Nypel Lab, Petra Van der Jeught
Language: english
Size: 15 x 25 cm
350 g
Binding: -
ISBN: 978-90-72076-81-6
In stock
Product Description
This publication contains the work of seven contributors.
Issue 06 explores a more cultural role with three essays,
a chemical analyzation of concrete & cement from past
to present by Martha Evonuk with an image by
Peter Evonuk also featured in the Folding Chair (05),
an essay about Giovanni Guzzo by Carl Haase with
translation by Fabri Guzzo, corresponding images by
Erica Hansen, and an essay by Stéphanie Saadé
detailing her work at the National Museum of Beirut
with images from the exihibition; included is a graphic
representation of an exhibition print.