OSSU vol.2 Handsome

OSSU vol.2 Handsome
Author: -
Publisher: Nanarokusha Publishing
Language: English / Japanese
Weight: 400 g
Binding: Softcover
Price: €18.00
Product Description

The “ハンサム(Handsome)” issue of OSSU presents new works by the participating artists: “Fly” by Kotori Kawashima captures a youthful boy wondering around the tropical landscape of Taiwan; “Chinese Whisper” by Simon Fujiwara is a strange T-shirt catalogue, The T-shirt designs combine images of Chinese food and Chinese men, along with texts he found on T-shirts that Chinese people were wearing; For “Feeling Crystal”, Motoyuki Daifu, a young photographer with distinct style, presents his first collection of male nudes; Sakiko Nomura’s decadent black and white photographs reveals nude men in dark rooms; Futoshi Miyagi’s “A Cut Piece” is a memoir of an American man whom he met in Okinawa during the time of the Gulf War; “Intimacy” is a collection of gently lit photographs of boys in Tokyo by Eiki Mori. The second issue is designed by Fang Jianping, an emerging designer from Beijing. Each work is presented as an individual booklet, and the six booklets were connected by a strip of fabric reminiscent of waistband of men’s underwear.


デザインは、北京の新進デザイナー、Fang Jianpingによる。6冊の小冊子が、ブリーフのゴムバンドを模したカンバス地のバンドで連結しており、タグを模したクレジット部分がテロン、と飛び出している凝りよう。それぞれの冊子の表紙にはブリーフを模したデザインがなされ、広げると6枚のブリーフが干された様な形に。