Les Cahiers: Écrire, traduire, peindre / Write, translate, paint - Véronique Tadjo

Les Cahiers: Écrire, traduire, peindre / Write, translate, paint - Véronique Tadjo
Author: Sarah Davies Cordova, Desiré Kabwe-Segatti (eds.)
Publisher: Presénce Africaine
Language: French, English
Size: 15 x 22.5 cm
Weight: 554 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9782708708921
Availability: In stock
Price: €23.00
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Sarah DAVIES CORDOVA & Désiré WA KABWE-SEGATTI Véronique TADJO, unpublished poem

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Words and Images

Cahier d'Images / Gallery of Images

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Tadjo and the Art of Translation
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