KLYZMA / Úvod k pozemským metódam

KLYZMA / Úvod k pozemským metódam
Author: Palo Čejka, Jan Čumlivski & Tomáš Klepoch
Publisher: Štokovec
Language: English-Slovak
Size: 21 x 30
Weight: 574 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9788089587155
Availability: In stock
Price: €79.00
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Product Description

"Day like. In laboratories languish monkeys strung in human clothes, factories are moving robot arms, disappear and reveal the oiled pistons, gleaming cars whizzing along the boulevards, operations at the hospital are basically successful mother-tongues in waiting rooms are fairly successful, whispering prayers in temples with carries out the door, and cacti Club kaktusářů thrive in the greenhouse. What happened? As usual: Alien assault ships, death, fire, bombs, riot laboratory samples, secret cameras extraterrestrial intelligence fraternities.
We wanted it to be a apocalypse, but it was just Enemas. "