Inventory: Losing, Finding, Collecting - Vol. 3 No.2 - 1999
Author: Paul Claydon, Damian Abbott, Adam Scrivener
Publisher: Inventory
Language: English
Pages: 94
Size: 25
300 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 13597671
Product Description
While chiding one of London’s culinary institutions (famed for bony, offal-based cuisine – not to mention its cultured clientele) might be beyond the pale for some of this magazine’s more self-reckoning readers, the collusion of critique and near-comedic social-awareness captured in this editorial tit-bit is precisely what has made Inventory’s project since the mid-90s so interesting.
Inventory is a loosely associated group of writers, artists and theorists whose name comes from a quote contained within Walter Benjamin’s Moscow Diary (published in English in 1986): ‘the inventory of the streets is inexhaustible’. The group is currently guided by the efforts of two artists (though they prefer to be called heretics), Adam Scrivener and Paul Claydon, and advances a practical and theoretical notion of what they call ‘fierce sociology’. In accordance with this principal, Inventory’s work explores certain socio-cultural dimensions of the city, responding to the vicissitudes of consumer culture and high capitalism with a practice that, though slippery in overall ambition, is indubitably grounded in what we might call the ‘politics of space’.
Jan Harris,
Nick Norton,
Jakob Jakobsen,
Maria Seiler,
Victoria Halford & Steve Beard,
Giles Lazare,
Rakesh Sidhu,
Adam Scrivener,
Steven Claydon & Neil Chapman