Histoire d’un (vrai) faux

Histoire d’un (vrai) faux
Author: Philippe Munda
Publisher: Editions SALON DU SALON
Language: French
Pages: 244
Size: 14.8 x 20.4 cm
Weight: 350 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9782955277607
Availability: In stock
Price: €17.00
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Product Description

Editorial Direction: Philippe Munda
Graphic design: Léna Araguas

This book made of documents relating to the Traité du style, 1928, book by Louis Aragon and the ready-made Fountain, 1917 by Marcel Duchamp recounts and crosses two stories that touch the literary and artistic fields of the early 20th century.

In 1979, Gerard Berréby (director of Allia publishing house) clandestinely reproduces Traité du style Louis Aragon, 1928.

Since 2007, Saâdane Afif has been torn out pages relating to the reproduction of Fountain, Marcel Duchamp, 1917 (The fountain archives).

Traité du style begins with these words:

« Destinée de La Fontaine.
Ne forçons pas notre talent,
Nous ne FAIRIONS rien avec grâce »

incipit that for the author of Histoire d’un (vrai) faux, 2018 induces these approximations and the choice of the extraction of the sentences of Louis Aragon in Traité du style containing the verb FAIRE 2. These sentences are printed in Histoire d’un (vrai) faux 3 to the original paginations of the french editions of Traité du style and thus form the structure of this artist’s book.