Fifteen Colonial Thefts : A Guide to Looted African Heritage in Museums

Fifteen Colonial Thefts : A Guide to Looted African Heritage in Museums
Author: Sela K. Adjei; Yann LeGall (Eds.)
Publisher: Pluto Press
Language: English
Pages: 304
Size: 22.7 x 17.8 x 2.2 cm
Weight: 822 g
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780745349527
Availability: In stock
Price: €32.00
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Product Description

Structured around three arenas - the battlefield, the royal palace, and the realm of the sacred - the book displays how colonial officers violently plundered Africa. It explores the meaning of those cultural artefacts at the time of their appropriation and today in an era of restitution. With writers from Europe and Africa, including scientists, museum professionals, artists and activists, the book illuminates the collective trauma and loss of cultural, historical and spiritual knowledge that colonial theft endangered.