Untitled (Time Capsule) (2019)
Author: Robert Blatt, Ana Smaragda Lemnaru, David Pocknee
Language: English
Size: 16,5 x 11 cm
540 g
Binding: -
In stock
Product Description
Untitled (Time Capsule) (2019)
Robert Blatt, Ana Smaragda Lemnaru, and David Pocknee
assorted printed paper in a metal tin (loose-leaf and accordion binding)
edition of 36
Untitled (Time Capsule) is a collaborative, multi-part publication intersecting sound, notation, landscape, and
science fiction through a variety of visual, literary, and notational formats. It includes scores for constructing
astronomically aligned environmental installations; poetry from the terminology of planetary landforms
alongside photographs of parking lots resembling alien landscapes; prose integrating sound synthesis,
monumental structures, astronomy, the sand dunes in the Netherlands, and H. P. Lovecraft; a musical score in the
form of a calendar or star chart; and a waveform of the solar equation of time on translucent paper for
constructing a Möbius strip.