Direktupphandling av kortfilm om medicinsk åldersbedömning
Author: Carl Johan Erikson, Björn Larsson
Publisher: Vägra Döda
Language: Swedish
Pages: 158
Size: 27 x 19 cm
460 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9789163984136
In stock
Product Description
The book contains publicly available documents requested from The Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine. The documents deal with the production of an information film produced in 2016-2017 on behalf of RMV. The film’s target group is asylum-seeking young people who cannot prove their age with identity documents.
The publication can be seen as an attempt to highlight overall social structures by studying a limited part of the Swedish government bureaucracy. The book is published as a part of Refuse to Kill - stories of the Conscientious Objectors, an artistic research project by Björn Larsson’s and Carl Johan Erikson.