Dinamo Specimen

Dinamo Specimen
Author: Johannes Breyer & Fabian Harb (Dinamo)
Publisher: Dinamo
Language: English
Size: 21 x 29,7
Weight: 234 g
Binding: -
Price: €22.00
Product Description

For the first Dinamo Specimen, we compiled our released typefaces 2013–2017 into one newspaper-like publication. Each typeface occupies one sheet: the front side displaying the entire character set, the back side showing imagery we manipulated to support the typeface’s core idea. Additionally, each sheet has been printed using a different offset printing raster, so that the publication is therefore not only a type, but also a print-raster specimen. The total of 2000 copies have been folded in eight different ways, so that each typeface and sheet is a cover of 250 copies.