County Photography - Zemska Fotografie
Author: Lukáš Jasanský, Martin Polák
Publisher: Divus
Language: Czeck, English
Pages: 88
Size: 33 x 22.5 cm
594 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 8023910647
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Product Description
Media in The Fields At first glance, the landscapes of Lukáš Jasanský and Martin Polák may appear somewhat insipid, often to the point of being horrifying. Their theme - now known as classically deviant one - is being agronomically profiled, set free from any singularity, not to mention romanticism. The landscape seen from an urban point of view, the landscape beyond the hiking signs (though one appears in one picture) whose desperate immensity is often too much to swallow for the strength and understanding of an individual nursed on the metropolis. In this cycle, the artists also apply their traditionally "wonder-struck" approach. And this is how they show that we in fact know nothing about our own landscape, as again and again they construct a phantasmagoric world from a single photograph and are fascinated by its possible, and, at the same time, ever so extravagant literalness, hidden in each grain of the negative. ... From text by Pavel Vančát Conceptual Landscapes of Photography This long postponed text has been slowly coming to me now for about a year - in my head, while reading various books, going through catalogues and photographs, while "browsning" through the cycle Landscapes (Country Photography), which in this publication is receiving (after the exhibition and demo-CD) its next "definitive" context. As with everything postponed, this text also carries within it a trace of hesitation, because the right, and thus the lucky, (sometimes carefree, but always slightly misleading) moment of inspiration is probably gone, and the authorities on which we should lean, rather than being an assurance, are becoming a pretext for the abuse of certain discursive practices. ... From text by Marek Pokorný