Massilia 2012 - La boîte à miracles. Le Corbusier et le théâtre

Massilia 2012 - La boîte à miracles. Le Corbusier et le théâtre
Author: Various
Language: French, English
Pages: 152
Size: 21 x 24 cm
Weight: 650 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9782919230044
Availability: In stock
Price: €55.00
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Product Description

Massilia, named after the boat on which Le Corbusier embarked during his first crossing of the Atlantic, is a directory of studies on the architect and which receives the support of the Le Corbusier Foundation. Collective work, the authors are either architects or historians or both, independent or attached to French or international universities. The articles, voluntarily published in the author's language, are followed by a short biography of the latter.

Le radiateur chez Le Corbusier / Sung-Taeg Nam
Going abroad to find a home: Le Corbusier de La Chaux-de-Fonds / Ivan Zaknic

Dossier thématique : La boîte à miracles. Le Corbusier et le théâtre
Le théâtre spontané / Le Corbusier
Liste illustrée des projets et réalisations / Arnaud Dercelles, Guillemette Morel-Journel et Gilles Ragot
La Boîte à Miracles / Cecilia O'Byrne
Mise en scène de Ronchamp / Josep Quetglas
Le théâtre au quotidien / Jean-Lucien Bonillo
Strands of Theatre: Le Corbusier's Staging of the Palace of the Soviets, 1931 / Josefina Gonzalez Cubero