Densité & formes urbaines dans la métropole marseillaise
Author: AGAM, Frédéric Roustan
Publisher: IMBERNON
Language: French
Pages: 192
Size: 24 x 24 cm
1.1000 kg
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9782951639621
In stock
Product Description
After a long period of sprawl of urbanized areas in the territories, the control and optimization of built densities appears as a rational way to respond to the challenges of sustainable development, the concern for ecological balances and the urgency of consumption. reasoned and reasonable space.
With this work published by Editions Imbernon, the urban planning agency of the Marseille Agglomeration (agAM) makes its contribution to the debate on density which is driving the urban planning and construction world more than ever; and this with a triple objective:
- challenge some preconceived ideas by confronting the abstraction of density indices with the “qualities” of urban forms in their diversity;
- understand this question in all its complexity by multiplying the criteria and combining the notions of “measurable density” and “perceived density”;
- compare these analyzes and the operational avenues they open up to current town planning regulations and procedures (SRU law, etc.).
Beyond the valuable information it provides on the history and current events of the urban fabrics of the Marseille metropolis, this work aims to be a tool at the service of all city construction professionals. .
Special mention at the Architecture Book Prize of the city of Briey in 2006.