Bo​î​te Bo​î​te (vinyl)

Bo​î​te Bo​î​te (vinyl)
Author: Jac Berrocal
Publisher: Akuphone
Weight: 700 g
Binding: -
Availability: In stock
Price: €26.00
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Product Description

Boîte Boîte is the latest collection from French trumpeter Jac Berrocal. Composed of rare and previously unreleased tracks, it plunges the listener into the fascinating world of this unclassifiable and timeless avant-garde artist. Recorded between Paris, New York, Berlin and Riga, the works are received like postcards from an unknown sender and enjoyed without moderation. The selection, devised by Jac Berrocal himself, oscillates between experimental tracks such as the eponymous Boîte Boîte and electronic pop delusions such as Amarena.
Impeccably mixed by Vincent Epplay.

Limited Edition

8 décembre 2023.