Being Borrowed: On Egyptian Migration to the Gulf / خرج و المفروض يعد:عن هجرة المصريين للخليج

Being Borrowed: On Egyptian Migration to the Gulf / خرج و المفروض يعد:عن هجرة المصريين للخليج
Author: Various
Publisher: Anthropology Bel3araby / انثروبولوجي بالعربي
Language: English, Arabic
Size: 12.5 x 18.5
Weight: 178 g
Binding: Softcover
Price: €22.00
Product Description

"Being Borrowed: On Egyptian Migration to the Gulf"
Anthropology Bel3araby, 2022

“Being Borrowed” is a creative collaborative project that problematizes the Egyptian migration to the Gulf experience, which is very underrepresented and understudied. This multi-output collective art-research project aims to create anthropological, visual and sensory knowledge production on a “temporary” migration experience. The Publication is a self-funded/self-published attempt that tackles themes like temporality, memory, death, social class, family dynamics, belongingness and aspiration through varying articles and through conversations with the exhibition’s participating artists.

*The publication comes with a postcard, a film list, and an exhibition map/guide

// محتوى المطبوعة هو: Publication Content //
- تمهيد شخصي Personal Preface فرح حلابة
- عن المشروع Overview on the Project
- "ما الذي فعلته الهجرة للخليج في دور الاب" - فرح حلابة و ريم بدر
"What did migration to the Gulf do to the Father figure" Farah Hallaba and Reem Badr
- "بيوت مؤجلة وحياة "مِتْكَرْتِنة" : من الخليج الى مصر" لينة الشامي
Deferred Homes & Boxed Objects: from the Gulf to Egypt - Lina Elshamy
- "في مدن الخليج: التخلي عن البيوت لإيجادها" - صامولي شيلكه
Non-Home and Home-making in Gulf Cities - Samuli Schielke
-" نص الكيوراتور - الخليج في الجاليري: الوجود عبر الزمن" - فريدة يوسف
Curator’s Text - The Gulf in the Gallery: Being through Time - Farida Youssef

-<< حوارات مع الفنانين/الفنانات >>
تساؤلات عن المشاعر،الأنثروبولوجي والفن
Conversations with the Artists; On Emotions, Anthropology and Art
Aya Bendary
Omar Mansour
Nourhan Abd El-Salam
Farida Rady
Tasneem Gad
Doha Aboelezz
Eman Magdy
Farida Serageldin Kamel
Khaled El Demerdash
Hossam Gad
Sally Abo Basha
Mariam Diefallah
Nahed Nasr
- أرشيف هجرة مؤقتة من خلال فنون الفيديو
Editing the Migration’s Archive into Video Art
Azza Solaiman -Zeina Belasy - Khaled Othman - Mohey Eldin Yehia - Ali Zaraay -Ibrahim Mohamed - Yasmina El Kamaly - Nadine El Banhawy - Tariq Abdalla