Bak et Sort Hull. Yokoland.
Author: Espen Friberg & Aslak Gurholt Ronsen
Publisher: Aki Books
Language: Norwegian
Pages: 72
Size: 22 x 24
350 g
Binding: Softcover
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Product Description
Bak et sort hull (Behind a black hole) was an exhibition of drawings and collages at Tegnerforbundet in Oslo. The poster for the exhibition was made with a black sheet of paper that was nailed on to the actual poster. A hole in the middle of the black sheet made it possible to see parts of the image beneath. By doing this we were hoping that people would get curious and open it to see what was hidden behind. We were probably right cause most of the posters were taken down by people in the streets. The invite and catalogue for the exhibition was made in a similar way. - Espen Friberg & Aslak Gurholt Ronsen
Bak et sort hull” er Yokolands første tegneutstilling. Utstillingen viser eksperimenter fra de to siste årene og rommer både rene tegninger, collager og små installasjoner. Yokoland, her representert ved Espen Friberg og Aslak Gurholt Rønsen, kombinerer egne tusj- og blyanttegninger med materiale de har funnet. Med referanser til surrealisme og dadaisme blander de teknikker og stilarter på en uvanlig, original og morsom måte. Arbeidene danner underlige og fascinerende små fortellinger, som strekker seg ut i gallerirommet. Yokoland er kjent for design av platecover for det Oslo-baserte plateselskapet Metronomicon Audio. På åpningen spiller Magnus Moriarty™, Ergo og Center of the Universe. Kurator for utstillingen er Gerd Elise Mørland.
numbered edition of 500