Add Metaphysics

Add Metaphysics
Author: Jenna Sutela (Ed.)
Publisher: Aalto University
Language: English
Pages: 117
Size: 22 × 17
Weight: 431 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9789526049540
Price: €20.00
Product Description

Add Metaphysics is a publishing project at the Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory. Borrowing from a schoolbook format, it presents an experimental curriculum for designers and artists in the midst of a changing electro-cultural field of material.
In discussion with mechanical engineers and material scientists, the project builds a case for critical, inquisitive practice that converges around not only the material and the digital but also the metaphysical: molding the perception of the material world as much as materials themselves.
Out in spring 2013, the first publication in the series focuses on devising literacies for a digital materiality. It includes essays and assignments by select practitioners and researchers, such as Jane Bennett, Vera Bühlmann, and Graham Harman.