Toon! (LP)

Toon! (LP)
Author: Jonathan Scherk
Publisher: Faitiche
Language: -
Pages: -
Size: 31.5 x 31.5 cm
Weight: 310 g
Binding: -
Availability: In stock
Price: €20.00
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Product Description

As his split album It’s counterpart (faitiche19, 2019) made abundantly clear, Jonathan Scherk is a master of his craft. Toon! immerses us in a highly distinctive world of plunderphonics-sampledelica-variations acousmatiques that’s impossible to classify while feeling familiar nonetheless. Following a strict two-minute format, thirteen complex sound constructions offer a range of experiences – as if the neurosciences had developed an acoustic formula capable of triggering illusions of memory. 13 tracks = 13 déjà-vus.

"When department stores dream . . . epiphanies appear in elliptical rotations. Afterthoughts recalled on the beach as a child, soft-drawn and befuddling. Are they dreams? Are they metempsychotic leakage? With cup so full-brim, there’s bound to be spillage. Toon! is sleeping on-your-feet, in the light. The pleasure must be more than belletristic, but what’s left to say? Perhaps the sun is simply too bright."
(Samuel Dzierzawa/Jan Jelinek, 2021)

written and produced by Jonathan Scherk
Liner notes by Samuel Dzierzawa & Jan Jelinek
Design by Tim Tetzner
Mastered by Kassian Troyer
faitiche27, 2022