Ben Cain
Joëlle Tuerlinckx
Koenraad Dedobbeleer - Kunststoff
Zoe Gray (Ed.)
WIELS; Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und...
Jef Geys: Venetië 2009
Jef Geys
Sorted, Resorted
Gabriel Kuri
WIELS and Koenig Books
Uses of Leisure
Letter to a Refusing Pilot
Akram Zaatari
Illusion Brought Me Here
Mario Garcia Torres
Walker Art Center, WIELS, Koenig Books
E.1027 Maison en Berd de Mer Roquebrune-Cap-Martin...
Kasper Akhøj
Collector's Paradise (WIELS edition)
Allen Ruppersberg
Christine Burgin, WIELS
The Body Decides (Special edition)
Franz Erhard Walther
Get Drunk
Charlotte Beaudry