Foam #21: Merge

Foam #21: Merge
Author: Marloes Krijnen (Ed.)
Publisher: Foam Magazine
Language: English
Pages: 218
Size: 23 x 30 cm
Weight: 829 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 978-90-70516--16-1
Availability: In stock
Price: €17.50
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Product Description

This winter issue focuses on the fusions of photography with other media and art forms. In recent years we have seen a large increase in hybrid forms of art. So it should come as no surprise that a great number of artists have re­sponded to this new situation with extremely diverse work.

For this winter issue, Foam Magazine has put together eight portfolios that expose the bond of photography with other media forms. Within these portfolios, photography enters into a close relationship with film (Tarkovsky), Internet (Umbrico), fashion/sculpture (Freudenthal and Verhagen), painting (Wåhlstrand), text (van Duijvenboden), architecture (Hatakeyama), video (Claerbout) and finally with itself, through the transformation of documentary into autonomous work (Broomberg and Chanarin).

Irrespective of the major differences between them, all portfolios not only give insight into the fascinating position of images in our society, but also illustrate the fruitful transitional period which photography now finds itself, with unexpected forms of collaboration that ensure a boundless future.

Portfolios: Andrey Tarkovsky, Broomberg and Chanarin, David Claerbout, Freudenthal / Verhagen, Gunnel Wåhlstrand, Naoyo Hatakeyama, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Penelope Umbrico