Climate Tribunal

Climate Tribunal

Paulo Cirio

Paulo Cirio Studio

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Kin City - Urban Ecologies, Infrastructures of Life, and Internationalist Struggles

Kin City - Urban Ecologies,...

Magdalena Taube; Krystian Woznicki

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Kin City - Urbane Ökologien, Infrastrukturen des Lebens und internationalistische Kämpfe

Kin City - Urbane Ökologien,...

Magdalena Taube; Krystian Woznicki

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Grad kao srodstvo - Urbane ekologije, infrastrukture života i internacionalističke borbe

Grad kao srodstvo - Urbane ekologije,...

Magdalena Taube; Krystian Woznicki

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Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom,...

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Penguin Books

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The Geopolitics of Green Colonianism

The Geopolitics of Green Colonianism

Miriam Lang, Mary Ann Manahan and Breno Bringel (Eds.)...

Pluto Press

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Histories of Ecological Design: An Unfinished Cyclopedia

Histories of Ecological Design: An Unfinished...

Lydia Kallipoliti

Actar Publishers

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John Newling - Writings

John Newling - Writings

John Newling

SWPA Limited

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