Become Ungovernable

Become Ungovernable
Author: H.L.T. Quan
Publisher: Pluto Press
Language: English
Pages: 328
Size: 153mm x 234mm
Weight: 450 g
Binding: Softcover
ISBN: 9780745349114
Availability: In stock
Price: €25.00
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Product Description

Become Ungovernable
An Abolition Feminist Ethic for Democratic Living

Become Ungovernable is a provocative new work of political thought setting out to reclaim 'freedom', 'justice' and 'democracy', revolutionary ideas that are all too often warped in the interests of capital and the state.

Revealing the mirage of mainstream democratic thought and the false promises of liberal political ideologies, H. L. T. Quan offers an alternative approach: an abolition feminism drawing on a kaleidoscope of refusal praxes, and on a deep engagement with the Black Radical Tradition and queer analytics.

With each chapter anchored by episodes from the long history of resistance and rebellions against tyranny, Quan calls for us to take up a feminist ethic of living rooted in the principles of radical inclusion, mutuality and friendship as part of the larger toolkit for confronting fascism, white supremacy and the neoliberal labour regime.

Part I: Antidemocracy in America
1. Against Tyranny: An Introduction
2. The Myth of White Autarky
3. Democratic Thought and the Unthinkable
4. Love of Freedom: Jeffersonian Antidemocracy and the Politics of Governing
5. The Empty Sounds of Liberty
Part II: Life Beyond Governing
6. From Home Politicus to Robo Sapiens: An Interlude
7. iLife and Death: The New/Old Capitalist Algorithm
8. Governments Reform, People Revolt
9. Speculative Justice and the Politics of Mutuality
10. Toward a Democratic Ethic of Living